At Aspen, we always try our best to give back, especially during the holiday season. This year we’re teaming up with Hillcrest Transitional Housing, a local charity that helps families transition their lives out of homelessness and into success. The transitional housing program focuses on moving clients to self-sufficiency within a 90-day time frame.
2017 program statistics

The program’s adult participants are required by written agreement to find full-time employment, obey program guidelines such as curfews and attend weekly volunteer-taught classes in life skills, employment, community living, and budgeting, for the exchange of rent- and utility-free housing.
This program is made possible by the help and support of the community. “Hillcrest also may provide transitional housing clients with car repair/donation, medical assistance, dental work, GED classes, haircuts, glasses, school clothes, work uniforms, etc.”
Hillcrest has served the KC area for the past 30 years, with a 95% success rate in 90 days, Hillcrest is a wonderful program to support. Aspen is participating in a collection drive across company departments. We’re collecting items such as non perishable foods, personal care products, paper goods, cleaning supplies, and gift cards.

While we’re striving our best to collect as many goods as possible, each department is competing to see who can collect the most. It’s always great to see our team embrace the spirit of giving.

To learn more about this program you can visit Hillcrests’ website here. https://www.hillcresttransitionalhousing.org/
We have worked with Operation Breakthrough, Furry Kids Refuge, Secret Santa, Harvesters, and Adopt-a-Family in the past. You can send your organization information to our customer service email
to be considered next year! [email protected]